
One area where small businesses struggle is identifying their target audience.

Clarifying your target audience is a crucial element of an effective marketing strategy. Doing so paints a picture of exactly who you are connecting with and why.

By getting clear on who you’re connecting with, you’re able to get personal with your audience.


By telling stories that they can relate to, you open the door to build trust and loyalty.

In turn, you’re able to create high converting content, speak directly to your perfect customer, and connect with them on many levels.

Entrepreneurship has rapidly increased in recent years. People are opting for own businesses instead of depending on an unpredictable workforce.

With the number of new businesses on the rise, it is more important than ever to consider who you're be serving. And its deeper than who follows you on social media.

It stands to reason that everyone who follows you could buy your products and benefit from your services.

But, will they take the extra step to do so?

In reality, only a small part of your followers will spend money with you.

It's a better use of time to focus on the people who are most likely to benefit from your products and services. This is your target audience.

Narrowing your target audience helps you connect with that group quickly and efficiently.

How do you determine your target audience?

There are 4 areas you should focus on when determining your target audience:

Demographics- Age, Sex, Gender, Race, Appearance

Lifestyle- Occupation, Income, Family size and makeup, Location, Hobbies

Behaviors- Financial, Language, Emotions, Stage of Life

Pain points - Problems, Insecurities, Secret Thoughts, Limitations

Knowing your target audience means understanding what their daily lives are like. If they have a partner, children, or pets.⁠

It's knowing what they like to do for fun on the weekends, what kind of vacations they prefer, and where they like to spend their money.⁠

It’s knowing what gets under their skin, obstacles that they face and how you can help to relieve their stress. ⁠

If you want to build a business that generates income easily, you need to explore all four of these areas, especially Pain Points.

Identifying your audience’s pain points keeps you focused on solutions and your patrons coming back.

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